
Donut Muffins

For those of you with a sweet tooth, this is the perfect recipe for a lazy Sunday breakfast! You can get your sugar fix and glazed goodness from these muffins without all the hassle of forming and deep-frying actual donuts. And the best part is that all the needed ingredients are pantry and fridge regulars; if you're at home, I bet you could walk over to your kitchen right now and find everything you need. 

Let's get crackin' (pun intended)!


Oreo Cake

Finally, its that time of year again! It’s spring, AP exams are over, and homework is now a little less textbooks and a little more bringing in food for class parties. So for an upcoming chemistry party this week, I thought I’d try my hand at an oreo cake. To keep things simple (it's a school night, after all), I used a boxed mix with a few extra ingredients (it tastes just as good as a from scratch cake, I promise!) and to save myself a few much needed cents with my high schooler’s budget, I used Wal-Mart brand oreos, but feel free to use milk’s favorite cookie or even your own favorite chocolate cake recipe (this one's pretty darn good if you ask me) for this doozie of a cake!

Without further ado, lets get to it!